Arizona State University, also known as ASU or Arizona State, is an American space grant institution and public metropolitan research university located in the Phoenix Metropolitan Area of Arizona State. According to Wikipedia, it is the largest public university in the US by enrollment.

After setting up Gmail for ASU you can access your account via the email sign in page located at the following url: If you still haven’t set up Gmail for ASU simply login at, click profile tab, click update email addresses, and add an alternate email address if you want, or simply use the default alias provided by the University.

Once you have your account sign in details come back to this page to learn how to access your account. Simply follow the steps below.

ASU Email Login – Step By Step Tutorial

1. Visit Arizona State University webmail sign in page located at the following url:

2. Enter your ASURITE User ID.

asu email login step 1

3. Enter your password.

asu login step 2

4. Click the “Sign In” button and you are done!

sign in button asu

As you can see logging to your Arizona State University (ASU) email account is easy and quick. I hope that the information on this page was useful for you, if you have any problems let us know and we’ll try to help you as soon as we read it. Don’t forget to show us support by clicking on any of the social buttons located at the bottom of this page, we’ll thank you for it.